Baby Girl Names

Biblical Baby Girl Names

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Plucked right from the pages from the Christian and Hebrew scriptures, the following biblical baby girl names will be perfect name ideas for your baby-to-be.

From common names like Gabriella and Elizabeth to uncommon ones like Abital and Zemira, we’ve got so many options for your bundle of joy! Let this be your inspiration for choosing the best biblical name for your baby girl!

Happy Naming!

Biblical Baby Girl Names that start with A

  • Abiah – God is my father
  • Abigail – Fountain of joy, father’s joy, father rejoices, cause of joy
  • Abihail – Father’s strength
  • Abijah – My father is God
  • Abilene – Grass
  • Aaden – Little fire, a person who is fiery
  • Abital – Father of dew
  • Abra
  • Achsah – Adorned, bursting in the veil, ankle bracelet
  • Ada – Happy, noble, adorned
  • Adalia – Noble one, God is my refuge
  • Adah – Beautiful, assembly, adornment, ornament
  • Adina – Dainty, slender, delicate, noble, gentle
  • Adriel – Flock of God, a congregation of God
  • Alvah – Elf
  • Angela – Messenger of God
  • Agrippa
  • Ahinoam – The pleasant brother, pleasant relationship with brother
  • Anah – The one who answers, the one who sings
  • Anna – Grace, favor, gracious
  • Areli – Golden
  • Artemis – Butcher
  • Apphia – Increase, fruitful, productive
  • Aquila – An eagle
  • Ariel – Lion of God, altar, light
  • Artemis – Sound, whole, butcher
  • Asenath – Gift of God, gift of sun, she belongs to her father
  • Ashtoreth – Goddess of love
  • Atara – Crown, diadem
  • Atarah –  Crown
  • Athaliah – Lord is exalted, time of the Lord
  • Avital
  • Azubah – Marooned, forsaken, assisted

Biblical Baby Girl Names starting with B

  • Baara – Flame
  • Bela – Woman with fair skin
  • Bashemath – Perfumed, fragrant
  • Bathsheba – Daughter of an oath
  • Bekah – Part, division, half a shekel
  • Berenice
  • Bernice – Peace maker, victory bringer, achiever
  • Bethany – House of affliction, house of figs, house of songs
  • Bethel – House of God
  • Beulah – Married, bride
  • Bethsheba – Daughter of oath
  • Bilhah – Old, confused, wise in age yet timid
  • Bithiah – Daughter of God

Biblical Baby Girl Names that start with C

  • Calah – Favorable
  • Camon – Full of stalks
  • Candace – Queen mother, purity, one who possesses contrition, pure, innocent, clarity, whiteness
  • Carmel – Harvest, garden, orchard
  • Carmi – Orchard, garden
  • Channah – God has favored me
  • Charity – Beloved, dear
  • Chloe – Green herb, green sprout, harvest, green, new growth, blooming, fertility
  • Cilicia – One which over tunes/ rolls
  • Claudia – Lame
  • Clement – Mercy, merciful
  • Clementia – Mildness
  • Cleophas – Glory

Biblical Baby Girl Names starting with D

  • Damaris – Gentle, a little woman, to tame, calf
  • Daniela – God is my judge
  • Deborah – Bee, word
  • Delight – Youthful, pleasure
  • Delilah – Delicate, amorous, to flirt/ delight/ seduce
  • Diana – Perfect, luminous, heavenly, divine
  • Diklah – A palm grove
  • Dinah – Judged, judgement, God will judge, justified
  • Dorcas – Female roe-deer, gazelle
  • Dove – Bird of peace, symbol of peace
  • Drusilla – Dewy-eyed, fruitful, fresh as dew

Biblical Baby Girl Names that start with E

  • Eden – Delight, paradise
  • Edna – Pleasure, renewer
  • Elisabeth – God is my oath, worshipper of God, God’s promise
  • Elisha – Salvation is God,noble, exalted
  • Elisheba – God is her oath, God is abundance
  • Elisheva
  • Elizabeth – My God is an oath, God is my fortune, God’s oath
  • Ephrath – A fruitful land
  • Esther – Star, star of joy, star of hope
  • Eternity – Infinity, an unending time
  • Eunice – Good victory, happy victory, one who conquers
  • Euodias – Fragrance, prosperous journey
  • Eva – Giver of life, life
  • Eve – Living, giver of life, to breath, life, animal

Biblical Baby Girl Names starting with F

  • Faith – Trust, belief, devotion
  • Fortunatus – Luck, fortune

Biblical Baby Girl Names that start with G

  • Gabriella – God is the strength, God is my strength
  • Gabrielle – God is my strength
  • Genesis – The beginning
  • Galilee – Revoltuion, province
  • Gomer – Complete
  • Grace – Polite, courteous, gracious one

Biblical Baby Girl Names starting with H

  • Hadassah – Compassion, myrtle tree
  • Hagar – Flight, forsaken
  • Haggith – Dancer, festivsl
  • Hammoleketh/ Hammolecheth – A regent, a queen
  • Hannah – Grace, favor, ideal motherhood
  • Havilah
  • Hazelelponi – Facing the shade
  • Helah
  • Hephzibah – She is the delight of ours
  • Hepzibah
  • Herodias – Herod; a ruling family
  • Hodesh – New moon
  • Hodiah – The splendor of God
  • Hoglah – Dancing, patridge
  • Honey – Sweet, nectar
  • Hope – One of the three main Christian virtues, desire to be
  • Hosanna – Help, prayer
  • Huldah – One who is covered, mole
  • Huldah – The world, mole, loved one
  • Hushim – A silent person

Biblical Baby Girl Names that start with I

  • Iscah – To see, she will look out, behold

Biblical Baby Girl Names starting with J

  • Jael – Mountain goat
  • Jahel
  • Jasper – Glittering
  • Jecholiah – Power, one whois powerful
  • Jedida – Beloved
  • Jehoadden – Pleasure of Lord
  • Jehodijah – Praise of God
  • Jehosheba – God is her oath
  • Jemima – Little dove
  • Jemimah – Dove, little dove, pretty
  • Jerioth – Kettles, tent curtain
  • Jerusha – Possession, ineritance, married
  • Jescha
  • Jewel – Delight, a valuable stone, plaything
  • Jezebel – Where the prince is, virginal, pure
  • Joanna – Gift of God, God is gracious
  • Jochebed – Honorable, glory of God
  • Jordan – To flow, descend
  • Joy – Rejoicing in happiness, happy
  • Judah – Praise of God
  • Judith – Female from Judea, the praised one, Jewish
  • Julia – Youthful, curly haired, downy
  • Junia – Born in June, youth, belongs to Juno, queen of heaven
  • Justice – Upright, righteous

Biblical Baby Girl Names that start with K

  • Kamon – His resurrection
  • Kandake
  • Keren – Glorious dignity
  • KerenHappuch – Child of beauty
  • Kerioth – A name of a city
  • Keturah – Sacrifice, fragrance, incense
  • Kezia – Cinnamon, cassia tree, sweet scented spice
  • Keziah – Cassia tree

Biblical Baby Girl Names starting with L

  • Lapidoth – Torch
  • Leah – Weary one, weary yet loyal, delicate
  • Lilith
  • Lillian – Beauty, purity, a flower
  • Lily – Lily flower, pure beauty
  • Lo Ruhamah – One who does not get mercy, person who is not pitied
  • Lois – Agreeable, desirable, best, superior, desirable, Holy
  • Lydia – A person from Lydia, standing pool, beautiful one

Biblical Baby Girl Names that start with M

  • Maachah – Oppression
  • Magdalen
  • Magdalena
  • Magdalene – Person/ woman from Magdala
  • Mahala – Tenderness, tender
  • Mahalath – Stringed instrumrnt
  • Mahlah – Song, sickness
  • Mara – Bitter
  • Marah – Bitter
  • Maralah – Earthquake, trembling
  • Maria – Rebellion, bitterness
  • Mariam
  • Marie
  • Martha – Mistress of house, the lady, provoking
  • Mary – Rebellious, wished for child, star of the sea, sea of bitterness
  • Matred – Wand of government
  • Mehitabel/ Mehetabel – God made me happy
  • Merab – Abundant, increase
  • Mercy – Forgiveness, compassion, foerbearance
  • Merry – One with a cheerful/ joyful heart, lighthearted
  • Meshullemeth – Friend
  • Mia – Bitterness, rebellion
  • Micaiah
  • Michaiah – The person who is like Jesus
  • Michal – Brook, stream, rivulet
  • Michelle – One who is like God
  • Milcah – Queen, counsel
  • Milka
  • Miriam – Rebellion, bitterness, sea of sorrow
  • Mishael – Who asked for, lent
  • Myra – To weap, to pour out, extraordinary

Biblical Baby Girl Names starting with N

  • Naamah – Pleasant, sweet
  • Naarah – Daughter, child of the God
  • Naomi – Pleasant, agreeable, beautiful
  • Nehushta – One which made of brass
  • Neriah – God is my lamp, Lamp of the Lord
  • Noa – Movement
  • Noadiah – One to whom the Lord reveled himself
  • Noah – Rest, comfort
  • Noemi
  • Nogah

Biblical Baby Girl Names that start with O

  • Olive – Beauty, prosperity
  • Ophrah – Dust, a fawn, lead
  • Oprah/ Orpha – Back of the neck, dust, lead, fawn

Biblical Baby Girl Names starting with P

  • Paula – Small
  • Peninah – Pearl
  • Peninnah – Coral, precious stone, pearl
  • Persis – Persian woman
  • Phanuel – The face, appearance of God, vision
  • Phebe
  • Phoebe – Radiant, shining, pure, radiant as the moon
  • Prisca – Ancient
  • Priscialla
  • Priscilla – Ancient, classical, vulnerable
  • Puah – Parents’ joy

Biblical Baby Girl Names starting with R

  • Rachal – Ewe, female sheep
  • Rachel – Sheep
  • Rahab – The one who is proud
  • Rebecca – To tie, to join, a quarrel appeased, captivating
  • Rebekah
  • Reumah – Sublime, lofty
  • Rhoda – Rose, the one from Rhodes
  • Rizpah – Baking stone, hot precious stone
  • Rochelle
  • Rose – The flower rose
  • Ruby – A jewel, precious stone
  • Ruhamah – One who obtained mercy
  • Ruth – Compassion, friend, satisfied, pal, companion, vision of beauty

Biblical Baby Girl Names that start with S

  • Salome – Peace
  • Sapphira – Sapphire (a precious gem in deep blue color), that tells/ relates
  • Sarah – Princess
  • Sarai – Princess of the multitude, lady
  • Selah – A musical term, to pause
  • Serah – Princess, song, morning star, lady of scent
  • Sharon – Plain, flat area
  • Sheba – Oath
  • Shelah – Request, petition
  • Shelomith – Peaceful
  • Sherah – Relationship, flesh
  • Shifra
  • Shiloh – Peace, abundance, tranquility, peaceful one
  • Shimeath – Fame, One who hears/ obeys
  • Shiphrah – To improve, beautiful
  • Shomer – The keeper
  • Shua – Riches, the keeper
  • Shulammite – Peace
  • Susana
  • Susanna – Lily, a graceful lily
  • Susannah – Lily
  • Syntyche – Fortunate

Biblical Baby Girl Names starting with T

  • Tabitha – Gazelle, clear sighted
  • Tahpenes – The head of the age, standard
  • Talitha – Little girl, child
  • Tamar – Palm tree
  • Tamara – Palm tree
  • Taphath – Drop
  • Terah – A wanderer, to breath, scent
  • Timnah – Restraint, forbidding
  • Tirzah – Benevolent, pleasant, she is my delight
  • Tryphena – Dainty
  • Tryphosa – Delicate one

Biblical Baby Girl Names starting with V

  • Vashti – Beautiful, best

Biblical Baby Girl Names starting with Z

  • Zebidah – Bestowal
  • Zebudah – Gift
  • Zemira – Vine, song, praised one
  • Zeresh – Gold, star of adoration
  • Zeruah – Hornet, wasp
  • Zeruiah – Tribulation of the Lord
  • Zibiah – Doe, gazelle
  • Zilla
  • Zillah – Shadow, shade, shadow of protection
  • Zilpah – Frailty, distillation from mouth
  • Zina – Abundance
  • Zion – Highest point, monument
  • Zipporah – Bird, little bird, sparrow, beauty, trumpet, mourning


For years, the Holy Bible has been a valuable source of inspiration. If you’re looking for classic and Christian baby names, the Holy Bible is a major source since it has got a bunch of beautiful biblical baby names. Nonetheless this couldn’t be your only source of inspiration when it comes to choosing the perfect moniker for your baby. Don’t forget to have a look at our other favorite baby names!

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